Custom Query (1882 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1882)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Milestone Priority
#687 eog-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#688 gail-1.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#689 gconf-editor-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#690 gdm- larry@… defect closed high
#691 gedit-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#692 ggv-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#693 gnome-applets-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#694 gnome-desktop- larry@… defect closed high
#695 gnome-games-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#696 gnome-icon-theme-1.2.0 larry@… defect closed high
#697 gnome-media-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#698 gnome-panel-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#699 gnome-session-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#700 gnome-system-monitor-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#701 gnome-terminal-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#702 gnome-themes-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#703 gnome-utils-2.6.2 larry@… defect closed high
#704 gnome-vfs-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#705 gnome2-users-doc- larry@… defect closed high
#706 gst-plugins-0.8.1 larry@… defect closed high
#707 gstreamer-0.8.1 larry@… defect closed high
#708 libbonobo-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#709 libbonoboui-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#710 libgail-gnome-1.0.3 larry@… defect closed high
#711 libglade-2.3.6 larry@… defect closed high
#712 libgnome-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#713 libgnomecanvas-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#714 libgnomeprint-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#715 libgnomeprintui-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#716 libgnomeui-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#717 libgtkhtml-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#718 libgtop-2.6.0 larry@… defect closed high
#719 librsvg-2.6.4 larry@… defect closed high
#720 libwnck- larry@… defect closed high
#721 metacity-2.8.0 larry@… defect closed high
#722 nautilus-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#723 yelp-2.6.1 larry@… defect closed high
#724 nautilus-media-0.8.0 larry@… defect closed high
#725 shared-mime-info-0.14.tar.gz. blfs-book@… defect closed high
#726 shared-mime-info 0.14 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#727 hicolor-icon-theme 0.5 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#728 libxklavier 1.02 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#729 xvid-1.0.0-rc4 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#730 OMNI-0.9.1 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#731 AbiWord-2.0.6 larry@… defect closed high
#732 gnucash-1.8.9 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#733 gimp-2.0.2 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#734 evolution-1.4.6 Randy McMurchy defect closed high
#735 udf-tools-1.0.0b3 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#736 libpcap-0.8.3 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#737 startup-notification-0.6 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#738 OpenSSH-3.8.1p1 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#739 libxml2-2.6.10 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#740 libxslt-1.1.8 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#741 Heimdal-0.6.2 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#742 cracklib-2.7 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#743 Berkeley DB error compile blfs-book@… defect closed high
#744 JOE-3.0 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#745 Cyrus SASL-2.1.20 Randy McMurchy defect closed high
#746 /etc/profile enhancement suggestion bdubbs@… defect closed high
#747 NFS-Utilities needs "nobody" user blfs-book@… defect closed high
#748 GMP-4.1.3 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#750 Qt-3.3.2 bdubbs@… defect closed high
#751 MPlayer-1.0pre4 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#752 GLib-2.4.1 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#753 GTK+-2.4.1 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#754 Tcl/Tk-8.4.6 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#756 TeX errors blfs-book@… defect closed high
#757 New format blfs-book@… enhancement closed high
#758 freetype-2.1.7 broken link to PATCH file blfs-book@… defect closed high
#759 XSane 0.93 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#760 Use KDE_PREFIX env var to install KDE tushar@… defect closed high
#761 Dependencies to X tushar@… defect closed high
#762 gcc-3.3.3 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#763 linux-2.4.26 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#764 gnome-print -0.37 freetype-2.1.7 compilation fail blfs-book@… defect closed high
#765 gnome-print doesn't compile with freetype-2.1.7 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#766 libusb-0.1.8 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#768 Static library dependencies blfs-book@… defect closed high
#769 tetex overwrites /usr/bin/readlink blfs-book@… defect closed high
#770 Links-2.1pre15 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#771 CVS-1.11.18 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#772 Integrate the firewall scripts bdubbs@… defect closed high
#773 courier init script blfs-book@… defect closed high
#774 Standardize the BLFS Bootscripts blfs-book@… defect closed high
#775 libusb initscript problem blfs-book@… defect closed high
#776 KDE 3.2.2 Security Patches igor@… defect closed high
#777 dhcpcd bootscript problem blfs-book@… defect closed high
#778 tcp-wrappers compile error Randy McMurchy defect closed high
#781 unzip-5.51 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#782 avifile-0.7-0.7.38 do not compile with freetype2.1.7 and LFS-5.1 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#784 Policy in Exp section blfs-book@… defect closed high
#785 dhcp overwrites ntp.conf blfs-book@… defect closed high
#786 Proftpd uses /var/run/proftpd bdubbs@… defect closed high
#801 firefox has freetype dependency blfs-book@… defect closed high
#813 LPRng-3.8.28 Randy McMurchy defect closed high
#816 gnome-session-2.6.1 requires esound blfs-book@… defect closed high
#817 gnome-terminal requires startup-notification blfs-book@… defect closed high
#818 Shadow w/GCC 3.4 blfs-book@… defect closed high
#826 Xorg and XFree86 need update bdubbs@… defect closed high
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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