Custom Query (136 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 136)

1 2
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#182 detect all proc file systems before unmounting file systems gerard@… defect highest Book
#254 Before starting with chapter 5, export LC_ALL="C" gerard@… defect highest Book
#272 gzexe problems markh@… defect highest Book
#339 bin86-0.16.3 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#355 c++filt stuff lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#482 Pending outcome of discussion on lfs-dev, add the mktemp package lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#569 Remove Lilo and add Grub lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#573 Fix Gzip Commands lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#687 Prune the number of "kill" binaries installed lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#211 gawk-3.1.0 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#236 diffutils bug: make PR_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/pr lfs-book@… defect high Book
#296 less-374 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#382 perl-5.8.0 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#452 Texinfo-4.3 is available, please upgrade lfs-book@… enhancement high Book
#472 modutils doesn't build kerneld by default lfs-book@… defect high Book
#476 sugested change to symlink lfs-book@… defect high Book
#501 Seg fault with 'chroot &LFS' after installing glibc2.3.1 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#2257 Findutils-4.4.0 testsuite failure lfs-book@… defect high 6.4 Book
#2565 Chapter 6.13 GMP-5.0.0: reported tests mismatch lfs-book@… defect high Book
#4150 linux-4.13.7 lfs-book@… task high 8.2 Book
#5501 openssl-3.3.1 lfs-book enhancement high 12.2 Book
#15 Chapter 6-glibc: see if there's a better way for bash to use the libnss files lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#50 man-pages 1.36 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#209 build only the c compiler in chapter 5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#233 Mandrake 8.1 may need xdvi so texinfo works properly during gcc's configure lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#276 Add to package contents lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#301 gettext package descriptions lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#329 automake 1.6.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#343 Autoconf Requaires Perl lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#346 util-linux-2.11r released lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#347 gawk-3.1.1 released lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#350 file-3.38 Released lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#351 psmisc-21 Released lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#361 Linux Kernel Version Typo lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#383 gcc 3.1.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#387 Add procps locate patch (see lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#392 gettext-0.11.5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#402 Error in glibc-2.2.5 in file errlist.c lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#431 kbd-1.07 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1668 Bash-3.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1704 ticket: #1703 Randy enhancement normal Book
#1732 LFS/CLFS lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1816 Incorrect URL in LFS book v.6.1.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1955 New Grub version lfs-book@… task normal Future Book
#1958 Expect-5.44.1 lfs-book@… task normal Book
#2082 iproute2-2.6.22-070710 lfs-book@… task normal Book
#2083 Linux- lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.0 Book
#2097 gcc 4.2.1 make bootstrap is missing lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#2158 no rule error whith Installation of Linux API Headers with kernel lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#2169 texinfo-4.11 test failures becasue tex is not installed lfs-book@… task normal Book
#2192 GCC-4.2.4 lfs-book@… task normal 6.4 Book
#2210 Wall binary is overwritten lfs-book@… task normal 6.4 Book
#2215 New format for LFS lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2219 Man-db and explanatory text are out of date lfs-book@… task normal 6.4 Book
#2224 Linux lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2238 Missing testsuite locales lfs-book@… defect normal 6.4 Book
#2292 LZMA support lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2293 Glibc 2.9 lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2302 Multilib/PowerPC support lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2303 Multilib/PowerPC support lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2304 Multilib/PowerPC support lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2311 Several issues in current stable LFS book. Part 2. lfs-book@… task normal Book
#2325 ...or those ISOs not labels -nosrc or -min lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2332 Test Ticket lfs-book@… task normal Book
#2432 XZ-Utils lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book
#2435 Obsolete commands in Util-linux-ng Chapter 5 instructions lfs-book@… task normal Book
#2741 Vim 7.3 released lfs-book@… task normal 6.7 Book
#2779 tar-1.24 lfs-book@… task normal 6.8 Book
#2890 Module-init-tools-3.16 lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book
#2902 LFS 6.8 Shadow package location change lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#2925 kbd-1.15.3 lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 Book
#2942 module-init-tools-3.15 lfs-book@… task normal 7.1 Book
#3025 Util-Linux-2.21 lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.2 Book
#3087 Reexport RPC Interface and Reinstall RPC/NIS headers. lfs-book@… task normal 7.2 Book
#3099 udev/systemd 183 is out lfs-book@… task normal 7.2 Book
#3151 Bison 2.6.2 lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.2 Book
#3153 systemd/udev 188 lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.2 Book
#3314 Gettext lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.4 Book
#3317 Systemd-199 bdubbs@… enhancement normal 7.4 Book
#3340 gettext- lfs-book@… task normal 7.4 Book
#3503 grep-2.17 lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3534 GNU GMP v6.0.0a lfs-book@… enhancement normal 7.6 Book
#3535 File v5.18 lfs-book@… task normal 7.6 Book
#3925 gzip-1.8 lfs-book@… task normal 7.10 Book
#4397 bison-3.2.4 Douglas R. Reno task normal 8.4 Book
#4510 findutils-4.7.0 lfs-book task normal 9.1 Book
#4515 gcc-9.2.0 lfs-book task normal 9.0 Book
#4552 linux-5.4 lfs-book task normal 9.1 Book
#4573 linux-5.4.10 lfs-book task normal 9.1 Book
#4584 linux-5.5 lfs-book task normal 9.1 Book
#4591 glibc-2.31 lfs-book task normal 9.1 Book
#4624 Defects found through ICA Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 10.0 Book
#4693 linux-5.7.9 lfs-book task normal Book
#4761 systemd-247 lfs-book enhancement normal 10.1 Book
#4778 tzdata-2020e lfs-book task normal 10.1 Book
#4794 autoconf-2.71 lfs-book task normal 10.1 Book
#4818 linux-5.10.17 Douglas R. Reno task normal 10.1 Book
#4850 Python-3.9.4 lfs-book task normal 11.0 Book
#5003 gdbm-1.23 lfs-book enhancement normal 11.1 Book
#5026 MarkupSafe-2.1.1 (Python module) lfs-book enhancement normal 11.2 Book
1 2
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