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1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#55 Incorrect symlinks in /etc/rc[06].d lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#87 Installing Glibc on page 98 of the book needs re-writing lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#95 Signals not working right on LFS 2.4.4 system lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#101 --with-curses is not neccessary when building static version of BASH lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#184 first run of checkfs will give warning if ext2 file system is used" markh@… defect highest Book
#256 Fileutils 4.1 installs translations in chapter 5 gimli@… defect highest Book
#271 new official mawk site gimli@… defect highest Book
#336 chapter 6-gawk installs both /usr/bin/gawk and /usr/bin/gawk-<version> lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#377 gcc-3.1 memset bug fix lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#390 Static programs using readdir(3) may not work (such as ldconfig) lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#898 error in sed command in ch6 util-linux lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#1574 How to meassure SBUs on Cross-LFS lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#1708 discard 1707 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#1738 non-authenticated user ticket creation (testing) Matthew Burgess defect highest Future Book
#2052 Replacing ld in "Adjusting the toolchain" causes ld to exit with error lfs-book@… task highest Book
#2185 Error Section 5.5 Linux- API Headers fails with error messages lfs-book@… task highest Book
#2254 Static linking of binutils pass-1? lfs-book@… task highest 6.4 Book
#2806 gcc stage 1 error lfs-book@… task highest 6.8 Website
#2808 error when compile croos toolchain for Atom lfs-book@… task highest 6.8 Website
#2891 Error during "make" process lfs-book@… task highest Book
#2892 Glib-2.13 lfs-book@… task highest Book
#2929 Trouble make installing gcc with 6.8 lfs-book@… task highest Book
#2931 gcc lfs-book@… defect highest 7.0 Book
#88 NSS wtih versions of glibc other then 2.0 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#105 you are told to download a patch for sh-utils but it is never used lfs-book@… defect high Book
#385 wrong .configure and make options for gcc 3.1 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#450 bin86 installation change lfs-book@… defect high Book
#466 GCC compiled with --enable-__cxa_atexit causes segfaults in uic (part -f qt) lfs-book@… defect high Book
#468 Revised chroot command lfs-book@… defect high Book
#471 modutils doesn't build kerneld by default lfs-book@… defect high Book
#473 Chapter 5: Textutils, Findutils, Gawk, Patch, Sed, Textutils Configure Command lfs-book@… defect high Book
#477 Incorrect prefix for gcc configuration during static stage. lfs-book@… defect high Book
#478 Symlink to incorrect gcc file created as part of gcc static install ch. 5 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#480 Creating the links assumes being just near the / directory lfs-book@… defect high Book
#498 glibc 2.2.5 exits with error at make during part 6 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#500 Seg fault with 'chroot &LFS' after installing glibc2.3.1 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#504 LFS Linux stop booting at system log daemon lfs-book@… defect high Book
#505 Book for LFS 4.0 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#512 Deleting and re-creating utmp/wtmp - maybe stop doing so? lfs-book@… defect high Book
#564 binutils incorrect LDFLAG variable in CVS 20030603 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#708 gcc-3.3.1-specs-2.patch needs update for gcc-3.3.2 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#834 Chap 5: Glibc failed lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1736 chapter 6.8.2 'mount' command issues "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file:No such file or directory" when entering "mount -nvt tmpfs none /dev" in lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1785 Udev Rules need verified for accuracy, completeness, and bloat lfs-book@… task high 6.2 Book
#1970 bug in glibc-2.3.6? lfs-book@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1981 Glibc 2.5 Make error lfs-book@… defect high Future Book
#1985 'passwd root' fails lfs-book@… defect high Book
#2182 error when compiling GCC-4.1.2, LFS-BOOK-6.3 - command make on page 107 defect high Book
#2198 Glibc 2.7 fails to build: limits.h is missing lfs-book@… task high Book
#2724 expect 5.43.0 original location is broken lfs-book@… defect high 6.7 Book
#2754 5.5.1. Installation of Cross GCC - errors while configuring gcc-4.5.1 lfs-book@… defect high 6.7 Book
#2768 SVN 20100923 - gcc-4.5.1, pass 1, won't compile lfs-book@… defect high 6.8 Book
#2930 glibc lfs-book@… defect high 7.0 Book
#2955 Missing 2 patch Files lfs-book@… defect high 7.1 Website
#2997 GCC 4.6.1 pass 1 gives error while loading shared libraries: lfs-book@… defect high 7.1 Book
#3032 GCC locale patch not listed lfs-book@… defect high 7.2 Book
#3165 Packet Man Pages 3.35 lfs-book@… task high 7.1 Book
#3166 Packet Man Pages 3.35 lfs-book@… task high 7.1 Book
#3225 Code mispells locale as locate lfs-book@… defect high 7.3 Book
#3616 gcc pass1 not compiled on x86_64 Arch lfs-book@… task high Future Book
#4282 WebSite mirrors issues lfs-book enhancement high 8.3 Website
#10 Chapter 6-findutils: check if binaries are installed in /usr/local gerard@… defect normal Book
#19 Re-create the PPC book lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#20 One (or more) packages are possibly changing the mode of /tmp lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#26 See if /usr/lib/libstdc++.a.2.10.0" can be removed (installed by chap5's gcc) lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#61 Renamed into crap so it won't confuse us in the dep. list lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#71 Bring consistency in fhs compliance note location lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#99 book still refers to "vim-5.7 directory" instead of 5.8 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#106 re-order sections of Uti-linux lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#110 Could not compile BASH with --with-curses lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#112 downgrade to sysvinit-2.78 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#117 New sysvinit lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book
#118 Some mistakes in /etc/init.d/checkfs lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#132 upgrade modutils to version 2.4.7 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#147 bogus-1.0 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#158 csplit names the command cplit lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#170 vim crashes (unreproducable) after some minutes lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#173 sed'ing login.defs in shadow may fail gerard@… defect normal Book
#179 MAKEDEV creates /dev/scd* files, but the /usr/linux/Documentation/devices.txt talks about /dev/sr* files lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#185 Problems in setting the chroot Enviroment lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#186 Chapter 6: gcc needs autoconf to compile lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#187 Chapter 6 - Typo in entering the chroot'ed environment lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#188 Chapter 6: texinfo need ncurses header in different location lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#199 bison-1.29 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#224 compress? lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#225 shadow cvs packages don't work lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#265 Installatioin of Texinfo needs an additional symlink to termcap.h lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#294 why rm + cp libbz2.a during chapter 06-bzip2 gerard@… defect normal Book
#298 Compilation error for ncurses-5.2 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#321 keyboard file needs to be created lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#328 settings of teminal users saved in .bash_profile but apps use .bashrc lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#334 Glibc actually needs 2.2.x headers lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#337 Bug in configure script of imlib-1.9.14 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#344 chap 5 bash, bad symlink lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#353 reiserfsprogs should install 'pack' (unpack is present) but I can't find it lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#358 tar patch unneeded; tar -I does bzip2 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#360 Linux Kernel Version Typo lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#362 should we give up the lfs user bit now that we use $LFS/static in ch-5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#364 less-374 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#368 Chapter 6: gcc needs autoconf to compile lfs-book@… defect normal Book
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